Our Chance (Lake Placid Series Book 3) Page 5
She’d worn the hat but took it off in his truck, then put it on her head again until they were seated in the shade. Now it was on the chair next to her.
“I can’t imagine why that would be,” she said, the smile never leaving her face, her eyes almost glowing with mischief.
He snorted back at her, surprised he was actually enjoying her company.
When he didn’t say anything else, she sighed and said, “Since you don’t seem to be good at this talking thing, I’ll help you out. I’d ask you to tell me something I don’t know about you, but that would be pretty much everything, wouldn’t it? You probably wouldn’t know where to start and I’m afraid I’d send you running for the hills before I even take a bite of food.”
“You know I have a dog and his name is Sparky.”
“Very true. I know you clean up well too, but that’s just appearance. I want to know more about you.”
Those very hills she mentioned were starting to scream his name. “Why?”
“There you go, all full of confidence.”
“I’ve got plenty of confidence,” he said slowly. “Why do you want to know so much about me, though?”
“You intrigue me. Is that enough?”
“It can be.”
“We’ll start light then. You know I own and operate a B&B.”
“And you’re opening another one next to it with a local doctor,” he added.
“Billy tell you that? Billy has a sweet spot for me and likes to talk to anyone that will listen.”
He had a feeling there were a lot of people who had a sweet spot for her. “So when will the next B&B be open?”
“A few months. The contractors, Max, and I will be meeting this week. Max Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton. So, back to you. What do you do for a living?”
He hesitated and then figured what the heck, it wouldn’t hurt to say. “I’m a software developer.”
“Ah. Are you one of those guys who sits behind a computer all day mumbling to yourself about numbers and letters and why they don’t work?”
Wow, she was good. “On a good day. On a bad one I tend to swear.”
“You’re funny, too. I wouldn’t have expected that.”
He’d never been told he was funny before and was surprised to hear her describe him that way. “You’re the first to say that.”
“I bet it’s because you don’t let too many people see the real you,” she said.
He was starting to get unnerved right now.
“Okay, I’m going to do something I never do on a first date. Or on a date at all,” she said.
She reached out and grabbed his hand and turned it palm up, then started to trace the grooves and lines exposed to her. He refused to acknowledge that her touch was soothing his nerves.
“What’s that?” he asked, being sucked in by her once again. That voice, her eyes, everything about her was hypnotizing.
“I’m going to read your palm.”
Talk about being unnerved. But he didn’t believe in that crap, so he’d humor her.
“This is your heart line,” she said tracing it lightly. “See how it’s broken in places? That means you’ve had some emotional trauma in your life.”
“Who hasn’t had some trauma in their life?” he said nonchalantly, ignoring the buzzing in his brain.
“Very true. I’ve had my fair share. Your head line is curved and long, showing creativity.”
“I just told you I was a developer.”
“True again, so maybe I’m guessing on that one,” she said, slyly.
Now he thought she was playing with him.
She moved her finger over and said, “This is your life line. You’ve got a few of them, so that means lots of vitality. Hmm, that’s a good one to have lots of.”
“You’re having fun, aren’t you?” he asked, smirking at her now.
“Of course I am. And this last line right here. See how deep it is? I’ve got one of them too.” She turned her palm over to show him. “That’s the fate line. It means you and I are both controlled by fate.”
He pulled his hand away. “So you’re a psychic then? Billy didn’t share that part of your history.”
“Of course not,” she said giggling. “That’s just basic information that anyone can find on the web if they choose to research it.” She reached over and patted his hand on the table where he’d placed it after he snatched it back. “Relax, Caleb, what do you take me for? I’ve got no powers.”
But he didn’t believe that. Not when he’d been sitting there listening to her talk. The softness of her voice lulling him in. Pulling him along, just like his dog.
“You’re probably getting sick of listening to me talk. So tell me, why Sparky?”
“Why do I have a dog?” he asked.
“Well, sure. But I meant, why did you name him Sparky? He looks more like a Spike or a Mongo to me.”
“Mongo?” he asked. Was she for real? Was that even a name?
“It’s sounds tough and manly to me. Anyway, why Sparky?”
He’d never told this story before and wasn’t sure how she’d react to it. Guess there was only one way to find out.
“I’d just moved a few years ago and was driving home one night around dusk. I saw something on the side of the road and pulled over to see what it was. It was this puppy lying there barely breathing, hanging on for dear life. I couldn’t believe someone would abuse an innocent pup like that and then leave him by the road to die in agony. I scooped him up and drove to town looking for a vet.”
“No breathing figure should be abused and left to fend on their own.”
The light went right out of her eyes and something dark and cloudy replaced it. She had some turbulent emotions running through her for sure.
“Yeah. It was touch and go for a while. His fur was missing in spots, some singed right off, other pieces seemed to have been ripped off at the roots.”
He remembered how nauseated he was when he found Sparky like that, spots of raw skin just bleeding, and wondered how someone could be that evil. How someone could find pleasure in doing that to a helpless animal.
“That’s horrible.”
“It was. I kept going back and checking on him at the vet’s and within a week he started to show signs of life. I asked what would happen to him when he was all healed and the vet told me he’d go to a shelter. I couldn’t let that happen, not after everything he’d been through. He was a fighter.”
“So you adopted him and named him Sparky, like a spark coming back to life?”
She had this soft tender look on her face and he could let her believe that, but she’d unnerved him enough so far, he wanted to see her reaction.
“I adopted him, yes. But that isn’t why I named him Sparky. His fur was singed off because he showed signs of mild electrocution.”
“Caleb,” she said, looking outraged. Then she laughed. “I can’t believe you named him Sparky after what he went though. It’s surprising he doesn’t have PTSD.”
“Can dogs get that? The vet thought it was funny.”
“Was the vet a man?” she asked, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. He didn’t think it was possible for her to get any more beautiful, but she just proved him wrong. There was fire in her that he’d managed to light.
“Figures. No woman would think that was funny.” She leaned over and gave Sparky a brisk rub on his head. “You can come visit me anytime you want, Sparky. I think it’s time you had some female companionship.”
Sparky wasn’t the only one that could do with some female companionship right now, either.
Celeste couldn’t remember the last time she just let herself go on a date—showed a part of herself that she didn’t to many people.
Sure, she was always happy and outgoing, even adventurous, but she’d never grabbed someone’s palm and started reading it before.
No, they’d think she was more touched than the rumors about her implied. But Caleb d
idn’t know those things about her and she was able to be herself.
It had been worth the risk to do it. To see his face when she told him about the lines on his palm. And sure, she’d read about all of that on the internet when she was a kid. There was no secret to reading palms, regardless of what people said. But she believed what she told him. That they both were controlled by their fate.
As quiet and laid back as he was, she actually learned quite a bit about him today.
First off, his emotions ran deep. Probably deeper than her own.
Seriously, anyone that rescues a stray puppy and foots the bill for his recovery and then adopts him has a deep nurturing side.
Let’s not forget how Sparky was never away from his side. So, clear signs of loyalty there, too.
Definitely humor. The dog’s name was proof enough of that.
But the best thing she learned today was that Caleb sure knew how to kiss.
He’d dropped her back off at her place. She was sure if he had his way, he’d just drop her off and drive away, but Sparky had other ideas.
She was learning to love that dog.
The minute she climbed out of Caleb’s truck, Sparky hopped in the front seat and then out the door when she went to shut it, forcing her to grab it fast as to not hit the dog with it.
Once Caleb realized the dog wasn’t going to return to the truck, he climbed out and she said, “Coffee and cookies?”
“Sure. I guess that is the only way to get him home.”
So the two of them sat on the porch in silence enjoying their dessert. She figured he was all talked out for the day. Rather than let him leave peacefully, she followed him back to his truck.
Of course this time Sparky trotted over and jumped right in. She put a hand on Caleb’s arm to stop him from climbing in. “So was this a thank you or a date?”
“What do you want it to be?” he asked.
“I’d like to think it was a date. How about you?”
He held her stare but didn’t say a word. Then suddenly he leaned into her and lay his lips against hers. Gently, he brushed them back and forth, then stepped back. Not enough for her to lose herself, but enough to want to yank him back for more. She was positive he only gave her a sample as a tease.
Then he stepped away and said, “I think that’s answer enough.”
“Do you ever sit still?”
Celeste turned to see her brother, Cole, standing outside of her screen door a few days later. “You should know the answer to that. Do you?”
“Mom says neither of us stayed still when she was carrying us.”
“Then I guess some things never change.” She walked forward, opened the door, and then stepped outside on the porch with him. “You aren’t working today?”
“On my way in now.”
“How come you aren’t in uniform?”
He grinned the grin she hated so much. “Going up in the air. I don’t need a uniform for that. Just doing some scouting of the area right now. A little bit of training for some of the troopers for rescue and recovery. Want to join me for a ride?”
“No, thank you. I’ve had enough life and death experiences, and climbing into your tin can isn’t one I want to add to my list.”
He laughed at her, just like he always did. She had very few fears in life, but a ride in a helicopter was one of them.
“Tin can my butt. It’s a state-of-the-art chopper. I can’t wait to put it to the test.”
“Just the same, I’ll pass. So if you’re on your way, why did you stop? Did Mom send you?”
“Why would she do that?”
“If I didn’t know her well enough, I know you. Whose idea was it for you to stop in and see me?” she asked, crossing her arms.
She loved her brother to death. Even if they didn’t have a twin bond, they had a life bond. He’d saved her life years ago, but she also knew him well enough to know he rarely stopped over to just say hi.
“I need a reason to visit you?”
“Of course not, but in this case I know there is one.”
She looked at his long lean frame. She was average height for a girl, but Cole was huge. He took after their father with his six-foot-four-inch frame, only he lacked the bulky muscle their father had. Then again, years in the Air Force and training had kept Cole thinner and in excellent shape.
“Fine, so tell me about this date I heard you had the other day.”
Celeste thought for sure it was their mother that had sent him here, but now she was thinking it was small-town gossip. If it were her mother, he would have been over sooner.
“Not much to say. I had lunch with a man. Do I question every date you have?”
“Yes,” he said grinning at her.
Okay, so maybe she did. Still, that was beside the point. She was just being nosy, not protective like Cole was.
“There’s nothing to say. We had lunch and he dropped me back off here.”
“What’s his name?”
“Please, Cole, I know you know his name. If Mom didn’t tell you, then you heard it from the same source that you did about the fact I was even on a date.”
“Fine,” he said, sighing. “So what does Caleb doing for a living?”
“Why does it matter?” What was everyone’s deal with what he did?
“I just want to make sure he isn’t some drifter coming to mooch off my sister. You’re way too trusting.”
She snorted. Sure, she was trusting, but she wasn’t stupid.
Before she could answer, Cole jumped in front of her and reached for his gun, only for Celeste to grab his arm. “Don’t you dare! He’s friendly.”
Sparky had come trotting over, but the minute that Cole jumped in front of her, the dog ran forward barking ferociously. She’d never seen him act that way before.
“He doesn’t look friendly to me. And get your hand off my arm so I can reach my gun.”
“I’ll shoot you myself if you harm him.” She pushed around Cole and walked forward. “Come here, Sparky, it’s fine. He won’t hurt you.”
The dog stopped and looked at Cole, decided it must be okay and resumed his trot toward Celeste, then started to lick the fingers she had held out for him.
“Whose dog is that? And why isn’t there a collar on him?”
“If you know I went on a date, then you know this is Caleb’s dog since he was with us that day. Stop frowning and come meet him. He’s just a big pussy cat.”
“Yeah. Last I looked, pussy cats didn’t weigh over a hundred pounds.”
But Cole walked forward and offered his hand out to the dog, who sniffed him once and then licked his fingers, too. Both of them had a way with animals. Though Cole would never admit it, she knew he had the same dreams and gut reactions she did to things. It’s what made him so good at his job.
“So where’s his owner?” Cole asked as Sparky rolled over and exposed his belly for Celeste to give it a brisk rub.
“Probably working. Sparky is a master breakout artist and Caleb tends to get lost in his work. He’s a programmer. I haven’t seen Sparky in a few days, so he probably got lonely and wanted some company.”
“You mean Caleb ignores him?”
“Of course not. This dog is pampered and babied more than any other dog I’ve ever seen. It’s just he likes to come visit me and it’s been a few days.”
She was trying not to get annoyed that she hadn’t heard a word from Caleb since he dropped her off and kissed her the other day, but then she figured he was probably sick of people, too. By now she knew he liked to be alone, and she wasn’t going to push.
She was glad that Sparky took the decision out of both of their hands. Maybe the dog had some mysterious powers she didn’t know about. Hmm, could dogs have internal instincts and dreams like humans?
“Call Caleb to come get him now. The dog shouldn’t be without a collar or off his leash.”
“You just want to meet and intimidate him.”
Cole crossed his ar
ms in front of him. “Yep, I do. Call him now.”
“I can’t. I don’t have his number.”
“Really? His dog comes and visits you and you don’t have his number. You went on a date with him and you don’t have his number. What else have you done with him, and you still don’t have his number? Okay, now I’m really looking into him.”
“Stop. And it’s none of your business what I do with anyone. Besides, he has my number and email. He’ll be here within an hour. He always realizes his dog is gone, usually pretty quickly.”
“I don’t like this.”
“Well, unless you want to be late for work and playing with your new tin can, then you’re just going to have to deal with it. Your choice.” She crossed her arms just like him and returned his blue-eyed stare.
“You always were a brat.” He grabbed the end of her braid that had swung over her shoulder when she crossed her arms. “I’m going to cut this off of you when you least expect it.”
“You’ve been threatening to do that since I was five. You also know if you did I’d cut something off of you that you have a greater attachment to.”
The involuntary crossing of his legs always made her laugh.
“You win. This time. I’ll be back, and I’ll keep coming back until I meet him.”
“Boy, that is the fastest that you’ve arrived,” Celeste said when Caleb climbed out of his truck a few minutes later.
“I saw his escape out of my office window. I figured I better give him a few minutes to get here and socialize or he’d break out again.”
“If you’d shown up any earlier you would have run into my brother, so it was good timing on your part.”
“Brother?” he asked.
“Yes. My twin brother, Cole. No we aren’t identical; otherwise my mother would have struggled to tell us apart.”
He loved the way she laughed when she said that. “I bet she was thrilled. I guess I played my timing well for once.”
“Oh, I bet you play it well a lot. But in this case, yes. He was here checking up on me. Heard I went on a date and I was getting the inquisition.”
“I’ve got an older sister so I know the feeling.”